「海外における平安文学及び多言語翻訳に関する研究」(2017年度 基盤研究(A)課題番号︰17H00912 研究代表者 伊藤鉄也)




堤中納言兼輔—因幡守惟正—越前守為時—女(紫式部)  母は摂津守為信女の堅子です。


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The birth of The Tale of Genji
Emperor Murakami’s Tenth Princess, Daisaiin (the Great Priestess) [Senshi-Naishinn_] asked J_t_monin [Fujiwara Sh_shi], “Are there any new tales?” Then Sh_shi summoned Murasaki Shikibu and told her, “Please do compose a new tale.” Murasaki Shikibu confined herself to Ishiyama Temple, and prayed for this. Just then, as the full moon of the Eighth Month shonE on the surface of Lake Biwa, the idea of the story occurred to her, and so, it is said, she started writing the story from the “Suma” chapter. The number of the chapters of The Tale of Genji is based on the sixty volumes of Tendai sutras. [The Tale of Genji now consists of fifty-four chapters.] In naming the chapters, she used as reference the methods of the Four Noble Truths. [All things exist, no things exist, things both exist and do not exist, things neither exist nor not exist.] Number one: chapter titles that come from the text of the tale. Number two: those from waka poems. Number three: those from both texts and poems.

Number four: chapter titles taken neither from texts nor poems. In the beginning, she was called T_ Shikibu, but because in some parts of this tale the character Lady Murasaki is depicted in a wonderful way, the author’s name was changed to Murasaki Shikibu. Murasaki Shikibu is also said to be an incarnation of Kannon. She learned the teaching of “threefold contemplation in a single mind” from a high ranking priest of Danna’in.

Family tree of Murasaki Shikibu
Kanesuke, Tsusumi Middle Counselor ¬— Koremasa, Governor of Inaba — Tametoki, Governor of Echizen — daughter (Murasaki Shikibu). Her mother was Kenshi, daughter of Tamenobu, the governor of Settsu.
2〈絵1〉八月十五日の夜、石山寺で、紫式部が、『源氏物語』を書きはじめた場面(2丁裏)2 verso
[Picture 1] The scene when Murasaki Shikibu started writing the Tale of Genji at Ishiyama Temple on the night of the fifteenth of the Eighth Month.

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In what emperor’s era was it? Among the large number of His Majesty’s consorts and intimates, there was a lady of not very high rank who was loved especially by the emperor. (“In what emperor’s era” means the era of Emperor Daigo [884_930]. The lady “loved especially by the Emperor” is the Kiritsubo Intimate)
[Names of the wings of the Palace.] Nashitsubo is another name for Sh_y_sha. Kiritsubo is another name for Shigeisha. Fujitsubo is another name for Higy_sha. Umetsubo is another name for Gy_kasha. Kannari-no-tsubo is another name for Sh_h_sha. (The consorts were called by the name of the wing where they were living.)
The Emperor favoured the Intimate who lived in Kiritsubo, so the Emperor at that time was called the Emperor Kiritsubo. Many consorts and intimates felt vexed with her. They felt very jealous that Kiritsubo Intimate spent everyday next to His Majesty.
Perhaps it was because she was resented so much by the other ladies, but presently she became weaker physically. (It was a grave illness).
Feeling increasingly feeble and unhappy, the Kiritsubo Intimate returned very often to her own home. This made the Emperor feel more longing for her than ever.

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He did not care what people might think about him, no matter how much his advisors cautioned him.
5中国でもこういう恋愛関係が原因となって、世も乱れ、とんでもないことにもなったと、世間の人もおもしろくない気がして、人々の悩みの種にもなり、中国で〈玄宗皇帝〉を夢中にさせた〈楊貴妃〉の話に例えられそうになりました。In China, a love relationship like this had caused chaos and trouble in the land. People disapproved and it became a general worry. The situation was compared to how Emperor Xuanzong of China had become infatuated with Yang Guifei.
6この〈桐壺の更衣〉の父はすでに死んでいて、母親の〈北の方〉は、由緒のある家柄出身であり、古風な人なので、他のお后たちにも負けないようにしています。しかし、何か大事なことがある時には、頼るところがなく、心細い様子です。The Kiritsubo Initimate’s father had already died and her mother, his principal wife, was born in a decent family and old-fashioned in her character, so she made an effort for her daughter to keep up with the other consorts of the Emperor. When there were problems, however, the mother had nobody she could depend on. She seems to have felt a bit helpless.
7(〈桐壺の帝〉と〈桐壺の更衣〉は)前世でも約束が深かったのでしょうか、美しい玉のような皇子までも生まれました。〔この人を〈光源氏(光る君)〉といいます。〕第一皇子は、〈右大臣の女御〉が生んだ子供なので、間違いなく皇太子になるだろうと、世間の人々も大切にしているのですが、この〈光源氏(若君)〉の美しさには、とうてい勝つことができません。Perhaps the Kiritsubo Emperor and the Intimate had a deep bond from the previous life, for a jewel-like prince was born between them. (We call this prince Hikaru Genji, the Shining Genji, or Hikaru kimi, the Shining Lord.) The Emperor’s first son was born of the consort who was the daughter of the Minster of the Right, and thus the people cherished him as the child that was sure to be the Crown Prince. However, the beauty of the young lord, Hikaru Genji, could not be surpassed.

8〈光源氏(若君)〉が生まれてからというもの、帝はこの〈光源氏〉をとても大切にしていらっしゃいましたので、〈光源氏〉が、皇太子になるのではないかと、第一皇子の母である后は、心の中で心配しています。As the Emperor had

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treasured him since he was born, the first prince’s mother was very worried that Hikaru Genji might be appointed as the Crown Prince.
9帝が、たくさんの后たちの部屋の前を素通りして、何度も何度もお通いになることに、他の后たちが嫉妬しているのも、もっともなことです。あまりに〈桐壺の更衣〉が帝に呼び寄せられる回数が多くなっていきます。すると、打橋や渡殿といった宮殿の廊下など、〈桐壺の更衣〉が通る、あちらこちらの道にいたずらがされていました。それは、見送りや出迎えの侍女の着物の裾が、まったく我慢できなくなるような、とんでもないことなどです。またある時は、〈桐壺の更衣〉が、絶対通らなければならない中廊下の扉を閉めて、こちらとあちらで協力し、〈桐壺の更衣〉を閉じ込めて、ひどい目にあわせたり困らせたりすることも多いのです。It was only natural that the other ladies felt jealous when the Emperor went past their rooms many times to see the Kiritsubo Intimate. The Kiritsubo Intimate was summoned to the Emperor so often that they scattered unpleasant things here and there on places where she would pass on palace corridors like crossbridges and bridgeways. Ladies-in-waiting accompanied her to and from the Emperor’s chambers, and the bottoms of their robes were disgustingly soiled. This was an unbearable humiliation. On many other occasions, the other ladies made the Kiritsuo Intimate suffer and caused her trouble by locking the doors to the middle corridor she had to go through, with ladies on both sides collaborating to shut her in.
10帝はますます〈桐壺の更衣〉をかわいそうに思って、後涼殿という所に前から部屋をもらっていた身分が低い后を、他の場所へ移し、〈桐壺の更衣〉のもう一つの部屋としました。部屋を他に移された后の恨みは、とうてい晴れることがありません。The Emperor took more and more pity on her and moved her to the palace wing called the K_ry_den, giving her another room by making the lower ranking lady who was living there move to another place.

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The resentment of the lady who was moved must have been very great.
11〈光源氏(若君)〉は、三歳になった年、袴着の儀式をしました。その様子は、第一皇子がこの儀式をしたときにも負けないほどです。見た目や性格が、めったにないほど素晴らしいので、〈光源氏(若君)〉を他の后たちも憎むことができません。When Hikaru Genji turned three years old, he performed the ceremony of wearing the trousers (Hakama-gi). The ceremony was as superb as the ceremony held for the first prince. His appearance and character were so excellent that other ladies could not dislike him.
12その年の夏、母の御息所〔〈桐壺の更衣〉のことです。〕は、病気になって実家へ帰ろうとしますが、〈桐壺の更衣〉がいつも体が弱いことに、帝は慣れてしまい、帰ることを絶対に許しませんでした。日に日に病気が重くなってきて、ひどく衰弱したので、〈桐壺の更衣〉の母は、泣きながらお願いをして、〈光源氏(若君)〉を宮中に残したまま、〈桐壺の更衣(御息所)〉だけ帰ることになりました。In the summer of the same year, his mother, the Haven (the Kiritsubo Intimate) was taken ill and tried to return to her mother’s house, but the Emperor was used to being weak all the time, and did not allow her to leave. Day by day her condition worsened. When she was gravely weakened, her mother begged in tears for her to be allowed to come home leaving young master (Hikaru Genji) behind at court.
13帝は、かわいらしい〈桐壺の更衣〉が、やつれて意識がはっきりしない様子を御覧になって、今までのことや将来のこと、いろいろなことを約束したりするけれども、〈桐壺の更衣〉は、返事をすることもできません。つらそうな顔をして、意識を失った状態です。帝が「死への旅にも、共に行こうと約束しましたのに、私を残してはいけませんよ」と、おっしゃるのを、As the Emperor saw his beloved worn out and about to faint, he spoke about their past and for future, making many promises, but she could not answer. With agony reflected on her face

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and she fainted. The Emperor said, “you cannot leave me behind. We promised to die together.”
She was very touched, and recited the following powm:
  It is so sad being parted, ending like this,
   and yet I hope I might still live.
His Majesty gave permission for a hand carriage to be used for her. She went back to her mother’s home.
15帝は、胸がつまるほどに悲しんでいます。帝のお見舞いの使者が行って帰って来るほどの時間もたっていないほどに、「夜中を過ぎるころに、〈桐壺の更衣〉が息を引き取りになりました」と、お聞きになります。帝は、気も動転して、もう何の分別もつきません。His Majesty’s heart was choked with sorrow. She died in less the time that it took for His Majesty’s messenger to take a message and arrive back with the news, “the Kiritsubo Intimate took her last breath just after midnight.” His Majesty was stunned and unable to understand what had happened.
16帝は、〈光源氏(若君)〉をこんな時でも御覧になりたいと思うけれど、喪中の人が宮殿にいることは前例にないので、〈光源氏〉を母君の実家に帰らせました。〈光源氏(若君)〉も何が起きたのかもわかりません。〈光源氏〉は、周りの侍女たちが泣きわめき、帝も涙がとまらなくなっていらっしゃるのを、何だか変だと見ています。Although he wanted to see Hikaru Genji, the young prince, even at a time like this, there was no precedent for a person in mourning to stay in the Palace, so he sent the prince back to the grandmother’s home. The prince himself did not quite understand what had happened. Seeing that the ladies-in-waiting around him were crying and His Majesty

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could not stop his tears, he looked puzzled.
17きまり通り、愛宕という所で、葬儀を行いました。母君も、〈桐壺の更衣〉と一緒に、火葬の煙となって消えてしまいたいと、泣いて、見送りの侍女の車に、追いつくようにして乗ってでかけました。The funeral was performed following the customary rites at the place called Otagi. In tears, the old woman wanted to disappear like smoke from the pyre of her daughter. Catching the carriage of a lady-in-waiting, she followed the funeral procession.
18帝から使者があって、亡くなった〈桐壺の更衣〉に三位の位をお贈りになりました。His Majesty sent a messenger to confer the Third Rank on the dead Intimate.
19帝は、第一皇子を御覧になっても、〈光源氏(若君)〉を恋しく思い出してばかりいて、侍女や乳母などをつかって、〈光源氏〉の様子をお聞きになります。風が強くて肌寒い夕暮れに、〈靫負の命婦〉という女官を〈桐壺の更衣〉の母の所へ行かせました。Whenever he saw the first prince (the Crown Prince), he fondly remembered the young prince, Hikaru Genji. He would send a lady-in-waiting or nurse to enquire about how the boy was. One cold evening when there was a strong wind, a gentlewoman in the Emperor’s service called Lady My_bu was sent to the house of the Kiritsubo Intimate’s mother.
  みやぎ野の露ふきむすぶ風のをとに 小萩がもとをおもひこそやれ
This is the poem in the letter from His Majesty:

  In the sound of the wind carrying the dew drops of the Miyagi field,
  I think about the small bush clover, the hagi flower— the little boy.
This is the poem the gentlewoman gave to the late Intimate’s mother:

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Even the bell crickets cry with all their force.
Tears flow without stopping through the long night.

Then the Intimate’s mother, Prince Hikaru’s grandmother, sent this poem in reply to the Emperor:
In these shallow grass fields the crickets cry more loudly still.
More dewdrops (tears) fall, brought by the person in the clouds (the Palace).
22良い贈り物をする場合ではありませんので、〈桐壺の更衣〉が残した着物や装飾品を、手紙にそえてあげました。There were no adequate keepsakes, so the mother accompanied the letter with garments and decorations used by the late Kiritsubo Intimate.
23帝は夜更けになってもおやすみにならず、庭先に植えてある花を眺めながら、侍女を四、五人そばに控えさせて、お話をしていらっしゃいました。 His Majesty had not yet gone to sleep even though it was late in the night. He had several ladies around him. As he looked out on the flowers in the garden in front of his chamber, he had them tell stories.
This is the poem the Intimate’s mother wrote earlier in response to the Emperor’s poem:
  Since the protection of the wild wind is gone,
  I could not rest in peace thinking of the boy, the little bush clover.

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The gentlewoman in His Majesty’s service told him about the late Kiritsubo Intimate’s mother and the boy, showing him the keepsakes. He recited this poem:
   If I only had the wizard who went in search of Yang Guifei,
   I would send him to find where her soul resides.

26第一皇子の母、〈弘徽殿の女御〉は、長い間帝の側に呼ばれず、月の美しい夜に合奏をして遊んでいます。殿上人や侍女たちは、「具合の悪いことだ」と、その合奏の音を聞いています。For a long time the first prince’s mother (the Kokiden Consort) was not summoned by His Majesty. She played musical instruments with her gentlewomen in the beautiful moonlit night. Hearing the music, the court officials and ladies-in-waiting thought, “It is rather inappropriate.” Worried about the boy’s grandmother,
His Majesty composed the following poem:
   Even in this court, above the clouds, tears darken the autumn moon.
  How do they live in the house in the shallow grass?
28月日が過ぎて、〈光源氏(若君)〉が宮殿にやってきました。美しく成長したので、神につれていかれたりしないかと大変不安に思われました。翌年の春、第一皇子が皇太子に決まったときも、帝は、〈光源氏〉に第一皇子を越えさせたいと思いましたが、世間が納得しないことだと、遠慮して、表情にも出しません。Time passed, and the young prince, Hikaru Genji, came to the court. He had grown so beautifully that people felt anxious, fearing that he might be abducted by a god. The next spring, when the first prince

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was appointed as the Crown Prince, His Majesty wanted Hikaru Genji to be chosen in his place. As he knew that no one would accept this, he restrained himself and showed no sign of his wish in his face.
29あの〈桐壺の更衣〉の母(祖母君)は、心を慰めることもなかったからでしょうか、亡くなってしまいましたので、またしても帝は、悲しいことだとお思いになります。Inconsolable after the Intimate’s death, the young prince’s grandmother died. His Majesty was again deeply saddened.
30《光源氏(若君)》は《七歳》になりましたので、読書始めの儀式をして、When Hikaru Genji was seven years old, His Majesty had him perform the ceremony of the First Reading.
31勉強はいうまでもなく、琴や笛といった楽器もよくできて、宮殿の人々を驚かせました。The young prince astounded everyone at court, not only by his academic ability but also by his musical skill on stringed koto and flute.
32そのころ《高麗人の相人》がやってきて、At that time in the capital, a Korean physiognomist was visiting.
33この《光源氏(若君)》の学問の才能がすぐれていて、《容姿も美しい》のをほめたたえて、「光る君」と名付け、贈り物などを差し上げました。帝は、この〈光源氏(光る君)〉を皇族から外すのは惜しいけれど、源氏の名字をつけて、臣下にするように決めました。He saw how the youth excelled academically and he praised his beauty. He named him Hikaru Kimi, the Shining Lord, and gave him presents. His Majesty regretfully decided to remove the boy from the imperial family and make him a commoner with the surname of Minamoto (Genji).
34〈絵2〉光源氏七歳のときに、迎賓館で、光源氏が高麗の相人に占いをしてもらっているところ(7丁裏)7 verso
[Figure 2] Hikaru Genji at the age of seven when he received divination from the Korean physiognomist at the Palace for Foreign Guests.
35年月が過ぎても、帝は、〈桐壺の更衣(御息所)〉のことを忘れることがなく、心をなぐさめることもできません。前の天皇の四番目のお姫さまで、見た目がとても美しいということを、〈典侍〉という女官が、主人である帝に伝えました。〔その人を、〈藤壺〉といいます。〕8 recto
Even with the passage of time, His Majesty did not forget the Kiritsubo Intimate (the Kiritsubo Haven), and could not console himself. A lady-in-waiting told him about a former emperor’s fourth princess, who was very beautiful. (The princess was called Fujitsubo.)
36昔の〈桐壺の更衣(御息所)〉によく似ていて、She looked very similar to the late Kiritsubo Intimate (the Kiritsubo Haven)
37身分も高いので、帝は、〈藤壺〉に自然とお気持ちが移っていきました。and was also high born. His Majesty’s affections gradually turned to her.
38〈光源氏〉は、帝の近くから離れないので、〈藤壺〉のところにも《帝》と一緒によくついていきます。As Hikaru Genji stayed close beside His Majesty, he often accompanied the Emperor when he visited Fujitsubo.
39〈光源氏〉と〈藤壺〉は、《帝》にそれぞれにとても愛されているので、〈藤壺〉のことを、〈光源氏〉の「光る君」に対して「輝く日の宮」とも呼びました。As Hikaru Genji and Fujitsubo were both greatly loved by His Majesty, people called Fujitsubo a Shining Princess to match Hikaru Genji, the Shining Lord.
40《光源氏》は、《十二歳》で《元服》と呼ばれる成人式をして、At the age of twelve, Hikaru Genji went through the ceremony of Coming of Age initiation or Genpuku, as it is known.
41《左大臣(引き入れの大臣)》の娘で、皇女の母親をもつお姫さまを、妻にすることが決定しました。〔その妻が〈葵の上〉です。〕It was decided that he should take as wife the daughter of an imperial princess and the Minister of Left, who had conducted Genji’s initiation. This wife was Lady Aoi.
42〈絵3〉光源氏十二歳のときに、宮殿で光源氏が元服の儀式をした場面(8丁裏)8 verso
[Figure 3] Hikaru Genji at the age of twelve, the scene of the ceremony of Coming of Age.
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His Majesty:
  Into this, the first knot of young hair,
  did you bind a wish to enjoy long [married] life?
The minister replied by reciting the following poem:

  As the colour of the ribbon binding the knot is dark purple,
  the colour of fate, I hope that the relationship will not fade.

44左馬寮という役所が所有する馬に、蔵人所という役所が所有する鷹を添えて、〈左大臣〉にあげました。宮殿の階段のところに、上級の貴族や親王たちが立ち並んで、引出物などを位に応じて帝からもらいます。The minister received a horse from the Imperial Stables of the Left with a falcon belonging to the Chamberlains’ Office.

Senior nobles and princes lined up at the steps of the palace and received gifts according to their rank and status.
45その夜、〈左大臣〉の家に〈光源氏〉は行きました。〔〈光源氏〉は十二歳、〈葵の上〉は十六歳です。〕That night, Hikaru Genji went to the residence of the Minister of the Left. (Hikaru Genji was twelve and Lady Aoi was sixteen.)
46〈左大臣〉の息子の〈蔵人少将〉は、〈右大臣〉の〈四の君〉と結婚することになりました。The Minster’s son, the Chamberlain Lieutenant, was married to the fourth daughter of the Minister of Right.
47〈光源氏〉は、帝がいつも自分の側近くにお呼びになるので、ゆっくりと〈左大臣〉の家に落ち着くこともできません。〈光源氏〉は、〈藤壺〉のことを世の中にめったにないものと思って、〈藤壺〉のような女性と結婚したい、〈藤壺〉と似ている女性もいないなあと思うので、〈葵の上(大殿の君)〉とはあまり親しくなりません。Hikaru Genji was ordered to attend His Majesty at all times, so he could not

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relax at the residence of the Minister of the Left. Thinking that no one in the world was like Fujitsubo, Hikaru Genji often wished that he were married to a lady like her. He did not feel much affection to Aoi, the lady at His Excellency’s residence.
48大人になってからは、子供の時のように〈藤壺〉と同じ御簾の中にも入れません。合奏をする時々に、琴や笛の音色に気持ちをこめ、かすかに聞えてくる〈藤壺〉の声を慰めにして、〈光源氏〉は宮殿でばかり過ごしています。His Majesty would not let Hikaru Genji come inside the blinds where Fujitsubo was. Hikaru consoled himself by accompanying her koto with his flute whenever there was a concert, or by listening to her faint voice. He spent as much time as he could in the palace.




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